Soyabean Seeds
Soyabean Seeds
The Soyabean, also known as soybean or soya bean, is scientifically known as Glycine max. They are of the species of legume native to East Asia and are widely grown for their edible bean. Soyabeans are known to be originally cultivated around 1100 BC in Southeast Asia and were initially domesticated by China. Japan and some other countries started growing Soyabeans by the first century AD.
Soyabeans have various uses. The unfermented Soyabeans are in the form of soy milk from which tofu and tofu skin are made. Fermented Soyabeans are in the form of Soy Sauce, Fermented Bean Paste, Nattō, and Tempeh. Soyabean Seeds are rich in protein and also contain significant amounts of phytic acid, dietary minerals, and B vitamins.
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